Cancellation and Refund Policy

As a leading provider of online education and coaching, Meant For Business relies on its refund and cancellation policy to ensure customer satisfaction with every purchase.


A client may cancel their membership by using the cancellation link found at the bottom of this page.

There is no refund available for any of the programs. However, if at the end of 12 months a client can demonstrate in writing they applied themselves to improve their business and used the site as per the guidelines, consumed and applied all the materials made available, attended all sessions trainings or events included, and still not achieved a result that we mentioned or agreed to in writing, they are entitled to get extended access for free – at the level they paid for during the last 12 months – for 90 additional days plus a free session to troubleshoot any issues (private coaching, retreats & VIP events, and any personal and/or one on one services all excluded, we reserve the right to add more exclusions without notice but you will be informed of these at the time during our conversation and you can ask any questions you wish to clarify matters at the time).


Meant For Business and any other related entities DO NOT offer refunds. They offer instead competitive prices and in some cases a pay as you go option, and the ability to cancel services at any time.

Where a client has paid for lifetime access, there is no refund either. Under exceptional circumstances and at our entire discretion we may occasionally consider to examine circumstances for lifetime programs where the customer has major compelling reasons as to why they need to discontinue, and this will be negotiated on a case by case basis and will be refused in most cases. The reason why we can afford to provide value for money and preferential deals for lifetime arrangements is because those arrangements are not meant to be cancelled, as their name indicates this is a lifetime commitment.

Should a client issue a charge back through the bank, an admin fee of USD49 (plus any potential applicable taxes and fees) will be applied to the account and we will evidence this policy and any other paper trail to get the amount re-instated by the relevant financial institution. We may also pursue the matter further to recover any additional costs and inconveniences caused.

This refund policy strictly covers only the products and services offered by Meant For Business, and no other products or services mentioned within the Meant for Business Website or Programs, Products or Services or any other affiliated or related program, which as a general rule offer strictly a NO REFUND policy as well. Any purchase made to one of our partners, listed suppliers or experts have their own policy and Meant For Business does not endorse or recommend them and you have to pursue any cancelations or refunds directly with them. We recommend some resources that may help our customers but we do not take any responsibility over any services or products supplied by others even if they are featured on our website or any other medium.

In the event of you hiring or using products or services listed on our website that are not delivered and/or invoiced by Meant for Business, including and not limited to third parties, people who may advertise with or without or knowledge on our website, for sale/for hire announcements by customers, the suppliers and experts we feature, and any others, you are to pursue any refunds, complaints, claims or any other matter directly with the provider: we do not take any responsibility and strictly refuse any involvement or liability. You are not allowed to make any claims, complaints or requests in relation to those products and services except directly with the provider. We will not assist you with any of those matters and we do not take any responsibility for whatever they may do or advise or supply.

If you are not satisfied with any of our clauses, please do not use our Website or programs.

If you have any doubts or issues please ask us for confirmation prior to making any decision or transaction.

Please see our Terms of Use for other details in regards to disclaimers and liability limitations and about you doing proper due diligence before you make decisions.

Meant For Business reserves the right to amend this refund and cancellation policy without notice.

Cancel: Please use the following button.

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