The way to Growth!
Have you heard or read before that there are people who suffer from malnutrition? And even worse, from starvation.?Yet, some people suffer from obesity and there is so much food waste in other parts of the world.
Although this is obviously not as saddening, it still frustrates me to also see huge imbalances in the world of business. Yes, I am upset about this. We sometimes have to help businesses to get more organised after they reach the point where they cannot even follow on all the business generated.
Just yesterday, we were discussing with companies which want to partner. Their issue was that they had too many leads. Thus, it was too much of a hassle to find the right people to deliver and fulfill. Is that a problem you would like to have? How do they do achieve this?
Why is it then that most SMEs struggle to find customers? Why most businesses still in growth phase or still new in business come to see us predominantly as they want to experience the massive increases that existing and past customers mention in our testimonials?
First, because it is is critical to always generate new business and repeat sales.
Today, as I was meeting with a head of a major global retail chain that also attended some of our events, I could yet again see that successful business never forget basics and essential rule: focus on sales. Simple, but yet forgotten. Most businesses which need customers the most actually spend most of their time doing everything but getting business.
How do you measure in that area? Is all your team, and yourself as a leader, focusing on sales and value creation?
Second, because they have fears, they are not even aware of .And, that prevent them from taking effective and purposeful actions. Mostly driven by the fact that they do not have clarity and knowledge on how to actually have sustainable ways to generate business consistently and profitably. What we want is to help owners avoid wasting money on failed marketing, and avoid trial and error. And especially, avoid wasting time on figuring it out when there are set paths to achieve what you want and that many already followed and proven.
Yours In Success.
Fabrice Beillard