Offers and Promotions

Home Forums Collaboration Hire-For Sale/Promote Your Business Offers and Promotions

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    • #10545

      This is the only area where you can advertise your business or your products and services, or ask whatever you are looking for that is of value or service to your business.

      You should only post high quality offers and of your own products or services only (never someone else’s, investments, “opportunities”, MLM, etc.). To not look like a spammer do it sporadically but we encourage everyone to do it once at least to gain visibility. This is a community for mutual support, takers and greedy individuals are not welcome. What we know to clearly be the best way for people to notice and trust you and thus want to know more about your business (which could lead to send you referrals for example) is by adding value to the forum topics community without having an agenda.

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