Welcome to the Meant For Business Forum.
Please enjoy and feel free to add to discussions.
If this is your first time here, we ask you to please make sure your username is your actual name. If you need to change it just go to the menu in the top right and go to edit profile.
Please add a profile pic to your account and then introduce yourself in the Forum (Name, Country, Product or Service & what excites you about your business and being here!). For instructions please watch the video here.
The Forum is a structured area which tends to follow topics from the Fast Track Trainings or elements that are common to most businesses and it also has a section that only VIP can access.
We do ask you to please click here and read the Forum rules before you use this section, to ensure this is an enjoyable and valuable forum for everyone to use.
Please also join our private Facebook group. The Facebook Group is more informal, where we can share our success and inspiring stories and have fun! As always there are rules please read them first at the top of the page.
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